What are they doing?

Simply gathering water at the well?

Indulge me for a brief moment and imagine yourself right there among them.

Quiet. Listen... do you hear them?

Do you hear the laughter from those women headed off to the left?

I wonder what happened that was so amusing.

What about the group on the top right... they're gathered together,

most likely praying, encouraging, comforting one another.

Those around the well, do you think the older ones are giving the younger ones advice?

Training them, showing the the way?

Do you think these women look forward to their daily journeys to the well?

The journey where they will see other women, their friends.

The journey during which they share their daily burdens and triumphs.

What if you had a place to go like that?

A place away from the world that sneers at you, laughs at you, keeps you down.

A place to laugh.

A place to encourage and be encouraged.

A place to comfort and be comforted.

A place to share your wisdom and gain from anothers.

A place to teach and a place to learn.

A place to spend time at your Saviors feet.

A place to start your week off right.

A place.... like the well.

Does that sound like a journey you would like to take?

If so, join us on a journey to the well.


Friday, April 2, 2010

It's Friday, but Sunday is coming

My friend, Pastor Randy of 1st Assembly, shared this e-mail this morning and I asked permission to share. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did. JMS

I think there is a natural tendency for us to want to skip ahead to Easter.
Easter is celebratory.
Easter is bright.
Easter is upbeat.
Nobody would argue Easter Sunday is a day of celebration. We celebrate that Jesus conquered death so we can have life. It doesn’t get any better than Easter Sunday, the third day.
But we don’t hear a lot about day one and two? After the crucifixion on day one and leading into day two it almost seems as if nothing is happening. It’s a period of questioning, doubting, wondering, and definitely waiting. It’s a season of helplessness and hopelessness.
And honestly, this is where some of you are right now. You’re in a season where you’ve begun to wonder if God is asleep at the wheel or simply powerless to do anything about your problems.
Is it possible, though, that this season is actually a time of preparation? Is it possible God’s getting ready to do his best work in you?
Because that’s exactly what was happening during this time between the crucifixion and the resurrection. While it appeared that nothing was happening we know, in fact, that God was engineering a resurrection.
You may currently be in the midst of a horrible, out-of-control situation. You feel as if God is not there, that there’s nothing that can be done.
But here is the message of the gospel for you while you’re stuck in your seemingly helpless, hopeless, season of waiting: God does his best work in hopeless situations.
We worship a God who specializes in resurrections. He specializes in hopeless situations. After all, he conquered death—the ultimate hopeless situation—so you could have life.
It’s Friday, but Sunday is coming.
See ya Sunday!!
Pastor Randy