What are they doing?

Simply gathering water at the well?

Indulge me for a brief moment and imagine yourself right there among them.

Quiet. Listen... do you hear them?

Do you hear the laughter from those women headed off to the left?

I wonder what happened that was so amusing.

What about the group on the top right... they're gathered together,

most likely praying, encouraging, comforting one another.

Those around the well, do you think the older ones are giving the younger ones advice?

Training them, showing the the way?

Do you think these women look forward to their daily journeys to the well?

The journey where they will see other women, their friends.

The journey during which they share their daily burdens and triumphs.

What if you had a place to go like that?

A place away from the world that sneers at you, laughs at you, keeps you down.

A place to laugh.

A place to encourage and be encouraged.

A place to comfort and be comforted.

A place to share your wisdom and gain from anothers.

A place to teach and a place to learn.

A place to spend time at your Saviors feet.

A place to start your week off right.

A place.... like the well.

Does that sound like a journey you would like to take?

If so, join us on a journey to the well.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Just In Time...

Tonight at bible study our pastor was telling us about a new concept in telling time.  He works for a factory that makes and ships products across the US and people now want their deliveries JIT.  Just in Time.  Not too early.  Not too late.  Just in time.  Just in time for when they need them. 
He was telling of a company getting upset because their delivery was going to be late due to a large snow storm.  He thought "where's the compassion?"  His driver was on the way, driving in conditions that the people who wanted the product wouldn't drive in, passing snow plows that have drove off the side of the road.  But all that mattered was getting the product, JIT.  The delivery drivers life didn't matter, the compassion and understanding didn't matter...
I was thinking to myself that I live a lot like that.  Just in time.  Don't get there too early, don't get there late, but get there... yes, you guessed it!  Just in time!  That leaves me very rushed and I don't take time to enjoy the journey.  This is something I'm not going to soon forget.  Society as a whole tends to live... just in time.  We don't want things early.  We don't want them the day after, we want them now, when we want them... just in time.
But what about those others out there that live with the concept of ...just in time. Oh, I like livin' it up and drinking with my friends.  I'll get Jesus.... just in time.  Oh I don't really want to quit that habit, I like it!  I'll give it up and get Jesus... just in time.  When I thought about that, my heart broke.  If only they knew what they're missing out on... right now!  It broke my heart to think about those who want nothing to do with Jesus now, but will want him... just in time.  It is a very good thing that Jesus runs the show, because I would tell them 'sorry'!  You didn't want anything to do with me then and it's too late now.  How incredibly generous our Savior is.
Of course who knows when... just in time is?  Jesus says we know not the day nor the hour, only that the time is near.  He will come as a theif in the night, without warning.  We will not have time to prepare.  None of us are promised tomorrow.  Just as the days of Noah, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away.
It scares me to see how deceived people are.  How people trust their heats, which is deceitful above all else, rather than command their heart, lead their heart.  Even Adam and Eve, living in paradise and in the presence of God, Himself were deceived.  How much more so are we be able to be deceived? 
I want to show up early.  I want to be first in line.  I want Jesus now.  Not just in time.  But, all the time.  Forever and always.

1 comment:

Renea Lynch said...

Awesome post girlfriend!!! And it reminded me of one of Eric's favorite verses. When you think of people being saved 'just in time' I often wonder how it works. If we're sincere. Look at all the things and the opportunities to serve Him that we miss out on. It's the ones who think they have Jesus but will stop their habits just in time that scare me.

Matthew 7:21-23 (The Message version is my favorite....)
"Knowing the correct password--saying 'Master, Master' for instance--isn't going to get you anywhere with me. What is required is serious obedience--doing what my Father wills. I can see it now--at the final judgment thousands strutting up to me and saying, 'Master, we preached the message, we bashed the demons, our God-sponsored projects had everyone talking.' And do you know what I am going to say? 'You missed the boat! All you did was use me to make yourselves important. You don't impress me one bit. You're out of here.'